Wellness Eduation
Wholistic Wellness offers education through our non-profit Mental Wellness Reconciliation, Inc and our Mental Health Practice NNK 4 L.I.F.E. We offer online and in person education for individuals, couples, families, businesses and organizations. The topics are all related to social services and mental health. There are workshops, classes, courses and certifications! We also can tailor content for customizable educational needs. If you have any questions, contact us at (678) 561-3091 to get set up for Wholistic Wellness Education.
A Pathway to Purpose
Seven LIFE is Living Independently For Excellence, Free of Fear, Anger, and Doubt to live and walk in purpose.
The THEORY is for ministers, counselors, life coaches, and other People Helpers to assist in working with people with trauma.
The TESTIMONY is Dr. Nicole N. Benton's recovery from family drama, sexual and medical trauma, exposure to violence, and substance abuse.
SELF-HELP is a workbook to assist in discovering the areas in life that needs adjusting in order to live a Seven LIFE.
All three are available on Amazon or click below!
Self Help
Get the workbook!
4 Kings and Queens Seven LIFE Workbook is Biblically based emotional life skills for people who repeatedly get in trouble or problems keeping good relationships due to their inability to control their emotions. There are (8) Lessons to gain insight about personal needs, strengths, and weaknesses to be able to identify and develop new positive ways of coping with disappointment, hurt, and betrayal. The lessons were also developed from Dr. Benton's book, Seven: A Pathway to Purpose (Sin, Character, and Responsibility) to help with gaining purpose in life and to Live Independently For Excellence (LIFE), free of making decisions out of Fear, Anger, and/or Doubt.